Saturday 13 June 2015

Viral Video

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Hi everyone, today topic is about going viral in new media. First of all, what is viral mean? Viral means something that can attract people to reach high view. Besides that, it can share easily and cross platform sharing such as share Youtube video on Facebook. 

Before i explain why video above is viral, let me just briefly talk about the content of the video. The video is created by Pepsi. In this video, a race car driver name Jeff Gordon pretend himself as a normal person. After that, he went to buy a new car and going to test drive with the sales person. In the test drive, he show his expert driving skill and the sales person is totally scare and afraid.

Why this video is considered as viral video?

  • First, it have high view. The total view of this video is 44,493,578. It also the highest view in the Pespi YouTube channel.
  • Second, this video become popular because it had been share by many platform such as Reddit, YouTube, Facebook and etc. This video really attract many people interest to share and discuss about it.
  • Last but not least, it is kind of funny video because of the sales person reaction in the test drive. He even spoke out vulgar word and threaten Jeff Gordon.

What make it viral?
  • Authenticity, Gordon. Jeff Gordon use a cam in Pespi Can to shoot the reaction of the sales person and he didn't know about the can cam. Therefore, reaction of the sales person is real.
  • Humor, people will share this video because it is very funny. The sales person‘s facial expression, body language and words are hilarious while he is completely panic and afraid in test drive with Jeff Gordon. I think this is the most terrible test drive in his life. HAHA
  • Impressive, apart from the sales person, the driving skill of Jeff Gordon is impressive. He make many perfect drift move in the video. After the sales person know the driver is Jeff Gordon, he willing to do again.
I think Pespi had make a good viral video to promoting their their brand and their product, Pespi Max.

Thank You, have a nice day. Bye!

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